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Showing posts from September, 2013

Keeping The Peace...human error

We choose the attitudes we want others to see. We are not victims to gender, regions, signs, religions, etc., but rather a reflection of our experiences. When one chooses to use the statement, "Well, I'm from.....,"it would naturally make you wonder why the best from where they are from isn't being shown. Why must people align with the most negative aspects of their experiences and or their upbringing to justify their manner of behavior? Something is wrong with the acceptance of certain behaviors and or the tolerance of certain behaviors just because. When one chooses to be an outright unsavory person, it is a choice they choose to make because they have an internal issue that needs redirecting. We are humans and we require human correction from time to time. That takes us not accepting or tolerating every single aspect of a person's attitude, character, being, but rather finding a commonplace to adjust their issue. One must not stoop to a level of negativity to c...

Uncomfortable....and Love it.

Do we search for what we need for instant happiness or do we search for what sustains our ability to enjoy what is our source of dependency? If happiness is relative to our current situation, is our destiny just a faithless determination of thought because happiness drives our every thought? What is our purpose? What is our reason for being? What are we here to accomplish? We are not here to be comfortable, but rather grow through the discomfort of life. What is life? It is not the sheer point of just existing. To just exist is to be complacent with thought; no emotion, no pain, no suffering, no irregularity, no unhappiness. So what are we searching for? This may cause us to think, but shouldn't we rather feel? To truly feel with explanation is not a feeling at all, but rather an explained thought. To truly feel is life. To truly feel will lead to a result of pleasure, a non-complacent comfort. One will wonder why is it so that we can't think, but rather feel and become confuse...