Do we search for what we need for instant happiness or do we search for what sustains our ability to enjoy what is our source of dependency? If happiness is relative to our current situation, is our destiny just a faithless determination of thought because happiness drives our every thought? What is our purpose? What is our reason for being? What are we here to accomplish? We are not here to be comfortable, but rather grow through the discomfort of life. What is life? It is not the sheer point of just existing. To just exist is to be complacent with thought; no emotion, no pain, no suffering, no irregularity, no unhappiness. So what are we searching for? This may cause us to think, but shouldn't we rather feel? To truly feel with explanation is not a feeling at all, but rather an explained thought. To truly feel is life. To truly feel will lead to a result of pleasure, a non-complacent comfort. One will wonder why is it so that we can't think, but rather feel and become confused with being human. Yes, we may be of sound mind and mixed emotion, thus not just existing, but living. So, I say to you, faith is what sustains us, thought is what restricts us when we look to obtain happiness. The discomfort of life which once accepted, drives us to the state of happiness. Not explained, not defined, but rather felt.
So, how was your Valentine's Day? Ladies, did you get what you expected or what you deserved? Lol, they'll be thinking about that question all day. Fellas, did you break the bank to show off or get out of the dog house? Fellas, we all know we do things big to be impressionable. Single or strapped, this is the day after. Did yesterday really mean anything to you? Probably not, thus the reason why I keep it plain and simple. There is nothing wrong with a made up day to show your ability to show up instead of talk it up, but take due notice of your activity thereafter. Fellas, Ladies, try something new starting today. Trust me, it works. Show up everyday for the rest of your lives, meaning show that Valentine's day heart and spirit everyday. This takes minimal financial effort for most, but it does take a little over time. Love the hell out of yourself first, then Love the hell out of the world around you. It works......#yep
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