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Showing posts from December, 2013


A Motherfucker like me don't give a fuck about what you feel. A Motherfucker like me could give a fuck about how your day was. A Motherfucker like me could give a fuck about what you're dealing with. A Motherfucker like me could give a fuck about any fucking thing about ya. A Motherfucker like me can do what ever the fuck he wants. A Motherfucker like me can say what ever the fuck he wants. A Motherfucker like me don't really exist. A Motherfucker LIKE me is only LIKE me, so therefore, FUCK EM/HER. So to YOU, I really don't give a fuck what you think about this post, I really don't. But, a Motherfucker like me might feel some type of way about your feelings. I'M A SELFISH MOTHERFUCKER AND WILL NOT GIVE ANY FUCKS ABOUT A DAMN THING THAT YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT. YEP