When people testify about their trying experiences, that doesn't mean they've overcome the trials. It's just a part of the process to heal. Pray harder for them (if you pray), call them more, check on em, be in their business just a little bit more. Sometimes the acknowledgement of an issue, after opening your mind to begin to heal, is when things really get real. We can't do everything on our own, trust me, I know. Be a real family, a real friend, etc. It's not prying when someone is falling and you're their to catch them BEFORE they hit the ground. It's sad to hear of the passing of a YOUNG Michael K Williams and some of the details surrounding it. Noone has the answers to everything and a magic potion to save everyone. I will tell you this, tears mean nothing if you didn't sweat to save someone that you said you cared about and loved. This sh*t is getting tiring. As always, if ya need to talk or just need someone to sit in silence with ya, I got ya.
So, how was your Valentine's Day? Ladies, did you get what you expected or what you deserved? Lol, they'll be thinking about that question all day. Fellas, did you break the bank to show off or get out of the dog house? Fellas, we all know we do things big to be impressionable. Single or strapped, this is the day after. Did yesterday really mean anything to you? Probably not, thus the reason why I keep it plain and simple. There is nothing wrong with a made up day to show your ability to show up instead of talk it up, but take due notice of your activity thereafter. Fellas, Ladies, try something new starting today. Trust me, it works. Show up everyday for the rest of your lives, meaning show that Valentine's day heart and spirit everyday. This takes minimal financial effort for most, but it does take a little over time. Love the hell out of yourself first, then Love the hell out of the world around you. It works......#yep
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