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Transition of the Doc: EP 1.... Damn

The day you realize your biggest mistake is losing your biggest blessing is the day you begin to die. Emotional Suicide is far worse than physical suicide. Emotional Suicide is a sickness that has no cure but time. That time is not measured by a manmade tool, but rather a God made free will to feel. That free will to think and to humble yourself to recognize love as love is hurts because you have to submit yourself to truth. Self truth. The difficult thing about truth is, it is the essence of humility and forces one to render full judgement of one's own thoughts and actions. It makes you answer the question of why. Damn, WHY is one word, three letters, but is infinitely defined with no true understanding in thought, but rather in truth.

Let's talk about WHY. Why is what. What is unsaid, but acted upon. How do we act upon what we didn't say? How did we not say and act? What we act upon without explanation is our downfall. We must not yield to our own understanding of what when we can't define the why. The pain we feel is justification for what? Nothing pertaining to Love, because love is experienced, not defended. Humans cannot defend Love because we subject ourselves to free will rather than feel the comfort in the discomfort of what's real. Once we open ourselves to the reality rather than grouped perceived thought, only then can we understand the WHY. Only then can we justify LOVE defined. For example, tears. Tears are undefined emotions. Tears are justified thoughts defined by unharnessed emotion. Harnessed emotion comes with time, not built by man, but rather subjection to truth. That truth is not explained, that truth is not felt, it just is. We as human beings cannot define nor can we grasp the concept of "Just Is," therefore we cling to comfort.

Comfort makes us feel good. That good feeling is a veil of subjection to our own thoughts and beliefs. Comfort is self-soothing. Self soothing is that feeling of nirvana explained. Self-soothing only lasts for a night. That joy that comes in the morning, always comes with questions because once we are awakened, that comfort is gone. What is realized by thought thereafter is the truth, unspoken, but felt with defined discomfort. That defined discomfort is veiled by business.Once the thoughts stop and the eyes open, we have to decide whether to give up or to give in.

To give up is to begin thinking again. To give in is to realize Love is present and to subject oneself to truth unspoken. This is often confused with the feelings of Love, but are wrought with the realness of defined Love. Once realized, we are subject to scrutiny of the mind, our place in man-made time, and mortality. How do we fix it? What do we do?

One would think to empathize or place blame on oneself. To deny the existence of one's own realization of counterfeit emotion, only to make evident the the consequence of your free will to think, which defines your decision to feel. However, feelings are not defined because they lack truth when unexplained and are not defined by reason. Until we truly LOVE, we can only subdue that which we can comfortably do without. Love defined, we cannot subdue but only be subjected to, because it is truth.....undefined.

...... to be continued


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